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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2019 in Posts

  1. It's a great aircraft for that
    1 point
  2. I've created an addition to the A20 collection, a historical desert skin of the 47th Bomb Group in Tunisia, 1943 Cheerzen 47th Bomb Group Tunisia.dds
    1 point
  3. I-16 is super fun. It's not difficult to operate, as it is simple. (No trim). The manual gear is a lot of work though, raising and lowering it... Ground handling: Catches me out every now and then, when taxiing too fast, it suddenly just veers left... take off and landing: same, it's tricky, I still haven't figured out a way to do this properly with a predictable result. It's guns are magnificent. Ground attack is what you are limited to, as anything in the air is too fast to catch, although once I got lucky and did damage to a 109. You can load up with rockets. Every now and then I end up with power loss on the engine, have not found out why yet, could be damage from enemy fire, or overheat - have not put the effort in of learning how to read those instruments yet. In the end, it's a hoot, in my opinion. Is it worth the money? Maybe not, because it is so very 'alone' - then again, it is a very nice thing to fly...
    1 point
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