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    Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

Posts posted by Sulky

  1. ok so im back from the Falklands, but i have to go home to ireland for 2 weeks from this Thursday (SHMBO orders), so ive installed 1946, got 4.08 and 4.09 d/l and ready to install, so please can someone give me a list of other things i require as ive err forgotten, i had a config thingy that let me run il2 at 1680x 1050, but i cant seem to find that either or the version selector

    and if you could also be kind to put links to the files on here as well

    thx and good to be back.


  2. while im not going to go into my box and try to prise out the 4th core i do have a little nugget to add this discussion, my mate (lets call him billy no mates) has a 3 core system with exactly the same gfx card and memory as me, now billy and i play arma 2, which actually has programming in it to utilise all the cores in the computer. ..... billy has 3 so i think ill not prise that 4th core out just yet cause its 1 more than he has..like his mates

  3. because i didnt know i had to run 4.09m over a clean 4.08. Can some one give a list in order with FAST links that i need please. hopefully i can get a game on thursday if i can get it sorted before i go away till april

  4. just been round to my mates house...his wife is american.. had thanksgiving tea as my mate and i didnt finish work till 1800 GMT...turkey, potatoes, veg, pumpkin pie..loads of other suff........and beer= stuffed

    ps happy thanksgiving day to the yankies

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