I only post this as I think it is quite amusing. This was not directed at me but some other player.
"You don't know what you are talking about. Team Daidalos was handed the torch to continue development on IL2 by Oleg Maddox himself, it is the only development work that is legitimate. HSFX and others are simply second-rate.
Hacks/Mods were started by poor virtual pilots who could not hack flying IL2 as it was supplied, so they started hacking it to give their aircraft and weapons the performance they LIKED instead of what the official development team constructed with much research and care. There are simmers and then there are "gamers". If you are interested in flight simming and the integrity of the community and the flight sim, then you support the official developers. If you are simply a common Gamer, then all you are concerned with are shallow and petty features like appearance, sound and other effects that have more to do with hollywood movies. For poor bored little babies it is more important to rush new aircraft and toys into IL2 than to wait and have it done correctly."