Thanks, Colin!
Good show.
The very fIrst session was a bummer and very disappointing as the capture-base did not work for me, and I made it so far behind enemy lines!
This last session was the best one for me: Killed some three Shermans, and did not get myself killed ....
(The Sherman kills were all near the bridge in 0710. While waiting for it to be repaired, the first Sherman I spotted was over 1km away, tucked in behind a tree. Started firing HE shells at him, to try and direct Fenrir towards him. But to my surprise, the HE's hit him and not just the tree. So I took APHE and killed him. Other kill was similar, longer range even, where in the end I wasted some shells as I had not noticed he de-spawned! Another one did fire back at me, so I was just kinda thinkin' - oh dear, is he a good shot? How fast will he get a shell to hit me? That feeling of contest that usually does not end will for me - but he was way off all the time, while I kept hitting him ... Also got me some enemy trucks in Esnes... )
Thanks Thanks!