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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by rox

  1. I hate seeing a full TS server when I have no access to the game. Or even a headset :angry:

  2. is going to drown in tears of joy listening to Azam Ali singing live tonight

  3. Ow! Thoguh I must say it looks rather weird how the outer side of the door just got broke off like that. Basically I see that you caught a small part of the truck that sticked out and when it got stuck in the gap between the doors is when the real party started. \
  4. I really hope none of you have to learn from experience what a pilonidal cyst is :( can't walk from the pain

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DD_Brando


      Ah, Tramadol. I use a fair bit of that myself. I hope you'll get some help with your condition soon, sounds awful!

    3. Flyboy583


      Rox, I work in wound care so completely understand where you are coming from... I truly hope all has been resolved?!

    4. rox


      yeah the acute infection is gon and I'm pain free, but I'll have to do a surgery to stop this from recurring. not a big surgery but open wound healing that lasts 8 weeks. though you're up and around as normal by the end of the first 2 weeks

  5. Guy has a Hero of the Soviet Union medal as well. Always makes me shiver from excitement when they restore a first plane of its kind to airworthyness again. It's really strange how out of the two most produced warbirds like the IL-2 and 109, only a couple can actually fly today. Does anyone know what kind of powerplant pulls that IL-2?
  6. Holy shit is all I have to say Looking at it now it's fortunate the debris all flew away from the crowd, it could have been much worse.
  7. Seriously I can't help to wonder how many more undiscovered wrecks there are in the channel sands, and burried around fields and forests in general. Would be the most epic thing ever to take a stroll along the beach and discover a damn Spitfire being unearthed by the waves! I would selfishly haul it away under cover of darkness and not share it with anyone, occasionally mummering something along the lines of "my precious" in its presence.
  8. Yes, that's indeed awesome! Old stuff with wings needs to fly, there should be a law about that.
  9. I can fly tonight! Hope someone will be around...

    1. rox


      I'll be on spits vs 109's if anyone's up for some full switch teamwork practice

  10. This has actually been done before, with more serious consequences http://en.wikipedia....wiki/David_Hahn Darwin award candidates both of them if you ask me. They obviously know a lot about radiation so the fact that they're still doing this and putting their health and that of others in danger speaks for itself. I there is absolutely no way one can do these things in a non-laborotory setting without irradiating themselves and everything around them.
  11. rox

    Salute To Bg

    Hey Jim... Not really good with this sort of thing, but as everyone said, thank you to the warm welcome to the ubizoo coops and later the Dogz, and for being a clockwork constant in our squad by providing the hosting which connected so many of us from around the globe and eventually culminated with many of us meeting in real life, in my case making the pilgrimage to Duxford to see all these dogz in person, have a great time and enjoy the things we love together at the airshow. As I said once before I hold you in the utmost regard, you have demonstrated patience and selflessness, for example didn't hesitate to restart a mission for the 5th time of some of us didn't make it, and your conduct on the ubi forum as well has been the textbook example of good and sensible moderation. But above everything else, your persistence and good humor even after your condition became apparent, your commitment to the Danger Dogz, and the positive energy you radiated over teamspeak even in the days in which your condition must have been dire, were something that only someone of the highest quality of character could do. I can say nothing more but that I really wish you spend the time you have left in as pleasant a condition as possible. I only wish I got to shake your hand in person. ~S~ BG
  12. Just dropping by to say hi and hope you guys are enjoying the summer as much as I am. I'm at home for 2 days now and then off to a week long music festival to enjoy music I love and other things *cough*. Sadly I won't be able to fly until late august, but I look forward to getting back in the pit then :D Cheers.

  13. looking up the second mountain to climb after Tryfan mordor indeed 3 peaks in 6 hours And after the limo that fruitbat rented broke down... ...we got a worthy replacement Awesome trip, wish I could have stayed in wales a bit longer.
  14. I think this confirms my theory that the Welsh language is based on someone randomly punching the keyboard. Tryfan, someone is up there on the left rock
  15. We're from the internet. this one is awesome We don't say "Rakija - connecting people" for nothing Feels good man
  16. Here's a sheep, the markings are RAF I think... Awesome pics Kev, I'll post mine tomorrow, because it's just too much work posting them at 5:30 am with too little blood in my alcohol right now...
  17. Really would like to, but I won't be around at that time :/ Someone record a track please...
  18. Helluva fun weekend, awesome flying things and scarry drunk people. The sheep in Wales were the best though. I'm now at Kev's, gonna do Kent tomorrow and go home on thursday. Haha, my favorite is also from Crash actually. After all the late night carnage in the hotel lobby on saturday, Kev and I called it, and as we exited the lift to go to our room we ran into a fairly drunk Crash looking lost on the hallway and ashing where Bluebear was. When I answered that Bluebear said that he was going to take a shit, Crash replied: "Um...is this a take a shit and go to sleep thing?". I think I woke the whole floor up laughing.
  19. just bougth 1l of plumb rakija, also known by the name Satan, for those brave enough to try at Duxford :D That's plumb as in fruit, not as in plumbing, though I have no doubt it could be used efficiently for that purpose as well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rakia

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sid


      Lol, just say it is spare fuel for the aircraft......

    3. Sid


      Lol, just say it is spare fuel for the aircraft......

    4. rox


      can bring in a litre of alcohol as far as I've read...

  20. do i need to buy dux tickets in advance maybe? as in, can they get sold out?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Crash
    3. Jabo


      Plus the fact that we normally decide on Friday night whether to go on Saturday or Sunday.

    4. Crash


      Dont forget your student card. It will save you money :)

  21. rox


    Hello and welcome. Don't forget to wipe your feet on the way out.
  22. Imma leave it over night, hopefully it will be done by tomorrow afternoon when I get back home
  23. 13% in 3 hours :/
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