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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. Thanks for that, figures I just downloader the last version for this instal last week LOL
  2. Back when my eyes worked and hosting I forced custom icons, to only show at 200-300 yards or there bouts, because in real life no matter the video card you would be able to easily identify what you are looking at. In game not so much. When I first started flying with the Dogz my eyes were good, and the settings we play at made me lazy, and then the eyes went and I got even lazier LOL I still try to fly patent, and it was really nice to join in this last week and feel like we were flying together, not just on the same server. I've got a track that proves patents, it from JO and one of Fire's AFS3 test of fortitude she would hand out. I'll try and hunt it down. IIRC she wanted us to kill 4 with limited ammo, according to my tracks it looks like I peaked at 12, it took a lot of patents the wait for the shot, and not get shot, or just be satisfied with a hit and move on. Looks like it was before the Zero skin update too, since these are not wrapped right. ( TOAD AFS3 kills 12.ntrk Here is one with Strider and I working it, not very well as wingmen, but still we get 12. TOAD StriderAFS3 practice Kill 12.ntrk
  3. When I bought my 55" 4K telly last year, I placed it in the back of my head, that one day it will be a monitor ;-) As for mpw though 1080p will surfice on this monitor size, It crisp enough. But if I ever go bigger inches it will be 4K or whatever they come up with by then.
  4. Well atleast these are not mothballed yet, although, was sort of hoping to pick one up on the cheap. ;-) http://worldwarwings.com/news-the-fate-of-the-a-10s-has-finally-been-set-in-stone
  5. I don't have one for my 52 I just use it as an open button bay, but when I wrote mine for my X-45 I found it best to go from scratch than trying to memorize someone elses. If you build it it sticks in your mind better and you lay it out in a naturual way that you understand.
  6. Happy for ya Arthur!!! I'm Green with Jeolousy! Screw you FB! When did you get that Piece of kit? So that required a bigger and newr Vid card than the 660 though I'm sure. Whats the hit on the wallett to go the next step up? I think I'd sooner do that than Occulous, I get spooked enough people sneaking up on me with my head phones on, Hardly need to be blinded to the real world too. Although I'm sure its has its advantages, ask any Ostrage. ;-) And one other thing if I can find the link I stumbled on some Right winger feed I'll post it in the Hot topics area.
  7. https://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/p-51-mustang-makes-belly-landing.html
  8. Nice, I personally think 27" is the max for 1080 any bigger I'd want a 4k one. Now when you duck your head under the wing in ROF you'll almost feel like you did. I sit within arms length from mine.
  9. I went on up to the 27" 3 years ago or so, from a 19" CRT and the 660ti 3g works splendid on it. It's ASUS VE278 only complaint is it's colors seam to bright. But I got use to it. Here are some details on it http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=asus+ve278&tag=mh0b-20&index=aps&hvadid=1315317960&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_7jmxjic73w_e
  10. T_O_A_D

    Drone Race

    That would be as much or more fun that what we do right here. Probably more since it would more costly to crash. But physically it would hurt the same LOL
  11. RGR Jabo I had already. so far every things working great, short I forgot to backup natural point Arrg!!!! Now to rebuild my profile Doh!!!!!
  12. I haven't done a fresh install since I got Win 7 when it first came out, So I upgraded to WIN 10. I had the USB issues with rearranging, and not recognizing, and was forced to unplug and replug my sticks. And Saitek Profiler software has not been updated to work with WIN 10 and I have a feeling it won't be either for my X-45, maybe the X-52 though. So I bought a 480 gig SSD for the first time and have spent the last thee nights making a triple boot. WinXP for all my really old progs I use and Hardware. Win 7 dedicated to Gaming and my perifiles for such Win 10 for normal use, and play with while waaiting for it to support my toys. By the way Jabo, I had to switch SATA ports before my PC would consistanly see the SSD. But that Port saw my old drive just fine???
  13. You did this today? What time? I've been sitting here working on the pC all morning, had I'd of known :-/
  14. Got busy and hadn't looked at trying to recover it. Downloading recuva thanks Pooka. I've tried several other free ones with no luck so far. And not Jabo I havn't formatted it. I relaized what I had done and immediatly pulled the chip from the camera.
  15. Yeh, thats how I did it with two of my PC FT, I just thought I'd be able to write down the key on my ISO disc. But it sounds like you can't since its attaching itself to the hardware config. Thanks guys.
  16. I tried the iso way, it installed to a point and wanted the key. I didn't have the key, so it reset itself back to Win7 and I let it upgrade via the web. It took all night while I slept with my connection speed. I kept teh ISO on DVD, hoping to get a key for it to work off disc, if I need to reload it later. I'm at a loss on how to get the key.
  17. I accidently deleted all my videos on my Cannon Camera, Been trying free trails all week and have yet to find one that will recover the files completly. I get alot of megabytes per file but no video player will open them up. And really don't want to purchase one to find out it doesn't work full version either. any suggestions? oh the files were deleted with the camera and I realized my mistake immeditaly. I did not record again over top of them. Figured I go home and stick the 32 GB scandisk in the PC and recover them easily. Thanks
  18. Now Mic ;-) Love ya Jim!
  19. I got ya on FB but again Happy Birthday Jabo!
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