Back when my eyes worked and hosting I forced custom icons, to only show at 200-300 yards or there bouts, because in real life no matter the video card you would be able to easily identify what you are looking at. In game not so much. When I first started flying with the Dogz my eyes were good, and the settings we play at made me lazy, and then the eyes went and I got even lazier LOL I still try to fly patent, and it was really nice to join in this last week and feel like we were flying together, not just on the same server.
I've got a track that proves patents, it from JO and one of Fire's AFS3 test of fortitude she would hand out.
I'll try and hunt it down. IIRC she wanted us to kill 4 with limited ammo, according to my tracks it looks like I peaked at 12, it took a lot of patents the wait for the shot, and not get shot, or just be satisfied with a hit and move on.
Looks like it was before the Zero skin update too, since these are not wrapped right. (
TOAD AFS3 kills 12.ntrk
Here is one with Strider and I working it, not very well as wingmen, but still we get 12.
TOAD StriderAFS3 practice Kill 12.ntrk