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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. If they do as they say they're going to then it shouldn't be too bad. They are right after all in that the best pilots got the best attention for their aircraft, and the choicest modifications (especially the Germans). This practice actually got Hans Marseille killed. I withhold judgement for further news or until I see it, but I don't have any philosophical difficulties with the system, I'm even of a mind that it might make things more interesting. Edit: The way I read the update is that all of the "perks" earned will be historical and not "gamey". I.E. perhaps a given level will allow you to upgrade your 109 F-2 from a 15mm to a 20 mm, not a plasma canon in the 40 watt range.
  2. Methinks HSFX on 4.12 will be killer! I can't wait.
  3. Brilliant! I no longer have to worry aboot lodging for duxford next year!
  4. ER........UM.........I guess, being a sister kissing, cousin marrying, PBR swilling, knuckle dragging, bible thumping conservative, I'm just not bright enough to understand that one.
  5. I can't imagine a better use of one's spare time.
  6. Awesome! Brought tears to my eyes.
  7. Thanks Pooka, I was worried that he knew something about Bengazi.
  8. Raw. Talent. I hope it doesn't ruin her life like it has for so many others.........
  9. BadAim

    A Sad Day...

    It's the usual, small company takes every order it can get until it get's so many big orders that it can't handle all of the small orders, so the small orders get ignored. Eventually the companies that make the big orders find a supplier that will make the product for a half cent cheaper, and abandon said small company. Of course by that time all of the small time orderers have found another company to fulfill their needs, so the original company goes out of business for lack of business. Welcome to capitalism. It is inexorable, and inevitable.
  10. M/C and Visa are pretty much the same thing. Amex can be problematic sometimes. Have Fun. Then get back to work, you have a lot of people to support.
  11. That's awesome! I love birds of prey.
  12. BadAim

    New Toy Mmm

    It's funny, but whenever men get together the talk always seems to come around to, er.......shooting. Just sayin', just sayin'.
  13. I wonder, did they use chicken wire for the structure?
  14. They will not grow old as we grow old..........
  15. LOL! That was a good read Mayhem. It's a bitch to get 5.56 around here as well, 10bucks a box would be a steal here. I got some @ c13 at Wallmart, but was unable to get back as I needed to buy food instead. I feel your pain Perf! Here in the PRC (Peoples Repunlic of Connecticut) us conservative types seem to be woefully outnumbered, yet I'm hopeful for the future as our Governor is a total ASSCLOWN and people are starting to wake up a little bit just like they seem to be nationally. It's funny that you mention the racial thing Mayhem, as that's where gun control started. It seems that they want to continue that trend here in Connecticut too by heavily taxing guns and ammo so that poor people will no longer be able to afford guns. Funny isn't it? Funny as 1,000 nuns and orphans being eaten by rats.........
  16. You boys pretty much invented "Rugged individualism", all we can do is at best pull off a second rate imitation. It's funny that while you guys are shaking off a government that does not represent what your country stands for, we are being subjected to one. I guess that ballances out the universe or something.
  17. BadAim

    Faithful Dog

    I'd like to find a human that loyal.
  18. Now that's an aviation story!
  19. The ranch rifle is the same as the others, it's just shown with a flat bottom magazine, I believe it's five rounds. It's a self loader, that uses a gas piston system similar to the M1/M14 (hence the name "Mini14")
  20. Yeah, I certainly get the price differential, and if I hadn't gotten my Stag like minutes before the shit hit the fan, I'd be in the market for another Ruger. I had the basic ranch rifle and I loved it, If I actually lived on a ranch I could think of nothing better to have in my saddle holster. I still have my 10/22, and my wife's SP101. Like I said, Ruger knows how to build 'em, and they're local boys. (I personally would recommend that they pack up and head for a better "climate")
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