No problem. Couple of questions pertaining to that then.
When you say flying nights, do you guys do things like the bomber themed nights they did via Ubi boards?
Second, any preference for mission lengths? The reason I ask is that I am currently converting the Guadalcanal campaign I had worked on previously from something meant to be flown 1 once a week, into a single 3 hour mission, which I view as manageable for a single mission if there is plenty of action, but pretty much the max length. I might also be able to make it into a single side coop event.
I should also be able to convert the old D-Day dogfight campaign into a MDS one with I think some interesting additions.
If your talking MDS mission, I'd say 3hrs isn't unfeasible, but the average attention span of the average DangerDog has not increased a whole lot since you've been around regularly, even with the new blood. (You see we've kept firmly to our high recruiting standards, mostly based on consumption of alcohol and questionable morals {especially where sheep are concerned})