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Everything posted by Painless

  1. ~S~ Friar, Should be done by Thursday this week M8 Done ~S~ Painless
  2. ~S~ Skid M8, That sucks ! as they say
  3. ~S~ Chaps, I have just tried to do a clean install straight from the 1946 disc into C:/program files, ready for the 4.08 patch and then 4.09 and I get the
  4. ~S~ Tribunus , Very nice indeed ! How often do you get to "have a go" in that sim machine ? ~S~ Painless
  5. ~S~ Jedi No but I once rode a Tiger ! ~S~ Brainless
  6. ~S~ GK, What the hell is funny about that !? When I was in my 20's I put up a similar "lonely hearts" advert to try and attract a partner.... 1st name:
  7. ~S~ Chaps, What with Ghadaffi's face lifts and dwindling mental state it must be like having Joan Collins in charge ! ~S~ Painless
  8. ~S~ JP M8, "We had a great time talking about old SEOW's against those scum in GIAP, griping about paying taxes to BG, comparing "I luv Painless" tatoos (Squawk's is on his butt...eww)." They say the placing of a tatoo is chosen from the heart !! LMAO Very amusing post Kelly, top man. ~S~ Painless
  9. ~S~ Trib M8, Why is the sky coloured blue ?? I have never seen that before ! LOL Fantastic pics and narrative, thanks for sharing. ~S~ Painless
  10. ~S~ Chaps , Just a few pics to give those who are interested a taste of this years Goodwood event. Zillions of pounds worth of classic racing cars being thrashed around the track by some very famous drivers and a few air displays thrown in
  11. ~S~ OT sir, I'm sure "bugger off" was also amongst the comments on that first evening !! LOL You are , as I'm sure all will agree, a most welcome addition to the squad and a pleasure to fly with. Happy anniversary M8. ~S~ Painless.
  12. ~S~ BG, O'l JP gets everywhere doesn't he !! LOL I couldn't help but notice that lovely Bristol Hercules XVI radial engine behind Mr Kolrush, one of the intended four I presume ? ~S~ Painless
  13. ~S~ Skidney M8, Now would be a great time for that lottery win !! LOL I wonder if it would be any cheaper if you just gaffer taped yourself to the Spit's wing ?? Thanks for sharing M8. ~S~ Planeless
  14. ~S~ Sid, Jed, Thanks for your help chaps, 10 ntrk's should provide enough material for a few good screenies ! LOL
  15. ~S~ Chaps, Just wondered if anyone was able to join Sid and myself for about an hours flying at 6 pm BST this evening to fly a couple of missions I need to record to make some classroom screenies . Only need 3 of us so first one to post (if anyone does LOL ) is up. DDz TS. Thanks, ~S~ Painless
  16. ~S~ CG M8, Very sorry to hear your news sir. I wish you the very best in getting through what must be a tough time. You are missed in the virtual skies
  17. ~S~ JP M8, Fantastic pics, (you to Magpie sir ) Kelly you really are a smooth operator aren't you !! LOL
  18. ~S~ Tribunus , You have to stop asking these intelligent questions sir !! LMAO It tends to throw one a trifle off balance . But since you did... www.raf.mod.uk/history_old/hrafround.html Enjoy M8. ~S~ Painless
  19. ~S~ Mr Vicious, How dare you insinuate that I forget things Simon ! Superb post Sid ! PS: isn't a "Smeg" a smegging fridge ?? ~S~ Faultless xx
  20. ~S~ Snacko, I have that exact same poem on a plaque hanging over our bed ! ...........NOT LOL ~S~ Gutless
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