Probably one of our best missions yet 485th !
A small but perfectly formed Red and White flight,(four and two ship respectively) proceeded towards the front lines north of Oss.
We were on an air patrol with the caveat being to prioritise protecting our ground troops from air attack. With this in mind I decided to transit at a lowly angels 10 instead of at least 15 mentioning on the radio that “I hope we don’t get bounced by fighters with 5000ft on us”. Some distance from the front lines we were bounced by fighters with 5000 ft on us.
With everything going nicely to plan in a six on six fight we called in 402nd who were not far away at this point to avoid having a fair fight on our hands. However, having dropped our bombs in response to a very bad tempered head on initial assault by the Grey meanies our very own Capt Rea, Lt Reginald and 2nd Lt Artage dispatched all of the D9s.
Curiously I could swear I saw a Bf 110 hit by Lt Reginald, (after which it spun out of control towards Earth) which did not appear as a kill in the stats except in the form of a second D9 ? [EDIT: PWCG doing silly things; the 2nd kill should be the Bf 110. Fen]
Capt Rea did great work bagging three D9s and at some point Lt Apeehill shot down one of those new fangled propeller less Me262 abominations. [EDIT: more PWCGisms; no ME262s in the 485th fight. AP killed a Fw 190D-9. Fen]
Apologies to 402nd for the unnecessary scream for help but one was shitting one’s self at the time.
After all of this excitement we reformed as best we could and proceeded to once again ruin the day for a truly vast number of enemy types on the ground all along the front lines north of Oss.
2nd Lt Snocker, Lt Apeehill and 2nd Lt Jean Artage all performed extremely well, drilling both machine gun and cannon rounds deep into the hearts 😘 of the Third Reich, bloody marvellous! Lt Reginald once again performed as the perfect wingman keeping me both alive and unventilated.
Both Lt Apeehill and 2nd Lt Snocker landed at a forward airfield without damage, (something about haemorrhoids?).
The remaining four of us returned to home base filled with the warm glow of righteous retribution having been administered by an appropriate agent........ THE 485th !!!!!