As a spin off from a post I have just made on the training thread, I have had an idea......
Its heading towards Christmas, how about we have a virtual awards night. We could all meet up on ts wearing our birthday suits (oops sorry thats the other group,) our Diner jackets etc and have virtual "gongs" awarded. (perhaps called the "Golden Gonads"). The awards could be both humerous and serious (as a way of showing an appreciation). The receiptients would then be entitled to have the title in their sigs etc for a year.
Now, what would the categories be..ermm...not sure on that one, how about "Best use of a TB3", "Least likly to trouble the scorer", "Outstanding Contribution to the Squad", you get my drift?
Now the tricky bit would be voting. It would have to be annomi.. anomin.. secret, so, once the categories have been published, the votes could be sent via email, to someone on the fringes of the squadron, say a willing wife, girlfriend, partner, and who would keep them secret. They would collate the votes and then send them, say to BG, just before the ceremony.
What do you guys this a non-starter, or should I get my virual dj cleaned?