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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DoubleTap

  1. Holy Frack! Color me impressed. Buying something that premade would cost $300 at least, right? Fantastic. DT
  2. Keep living, you will. Tech always comes down in price, and I am sure they will figure out ways to recreate the experience in more feasible ways than having a huge tent in your living. Consider, for example, the 5 projectors. Why do you need 5? If you had one that could project in extreme wide screen, maybe 180 degrees, it could be on a servo that would spin with you as you turn, and the software would redraw the image accordingly. The coolest thing out of the whole bunch is that floor, which is such a "simple" concept in one way, but really brilliant and revolutionary. Jesus, if I DID have one of these, I would be in damn good shape! If anyone has the time and inclination, this is a bit of a mind-blowing read and related. http://www.kurzweilai.net/the-law-of-accelerating-returns
  3. I'm a freakin' moron (or a crate-obsessed flyboy, take yer' pick). When I read this I thought; "Huh? Wow! Really? Two guys dogfighting with R/C planes, and one is a model of a Curtiss P-36? COOL! Can't wait to see it! Must be really hard to dogfight with model planes..." Not going to tell you how far into the video I figured out I wasn't going to see no P-36 model. DT
  4. I was in a bit of a mood a little earlier over some aggravating non-sense involving paperwork, or it's online equivalent, which I damn well truly hate. I then stopped over at the forums and continued to try to catch up with things as I have been absent for a long while. Of course, what I find are posts from some fellow dogz dealing with some truly difficult things in their lives, hitting with me with a nice icy cold slab of ol' perspective. That's a good thing to get whacked with once in a while. Made me think about what what the Dogz mean; what we do here and why we do it; what BG wrought when he created this group; what Roger has done creating and maintaining the site, and the myriad different things people have done to make it what it is, even those who have come and gone. It means something, guys, it really does. Even if it just means somewhere where someone can unload a bit about the craziness of their life, or the sorrow in it, it means something. Even if it just means somewhere some can escape to for a dirty laugh, or to take to the skies high above their troubles, or more satisfyingly blow them all to shit, even for a little while, it means something. Even if it just means you can work on something like a mission or campaign or skin or utility that most of the damn world does not give a fig about, but a select group looks at and says, "Damn cool", it means something. And, having gone to another site right after getting my little dose of perspective, I found a little more which may suggest in some way what we are doing matters in a larger sense: "Steven Pressfield in his novel Gates of Fire captures the danger of this information loss in his classic opening paragraph, which describes the dead of Thermopylae on their way to oblivion when one of them is recalled to life by the duty to give witness to the past. 'That state which we call life was over. I was dead. And yet, titanic as was that sense of loss, there existed a keener one which I now experienced and felt my brothers-in-arms feeling with me. It was this. That our story would perish with us. That no one would ever know. I cared not for myself, for my own selfish or vainglorious purposes, but for them. For Leonidas, for Alexandros and Polynikes, for Arete bereft by her hearth and, most of all, for Dienekes. That his valor, his wit, his private thoughts that I alone was privileged to share, that these and all that he and his companions had achieved and suffered would simply vanish, drift away like smoke from a woodland fire, this was unbearable. … Then from behind me, if there can be such a thing as “behind” in that world where all directions are as one, came a glow of such sublimity that I knew, we all knew at once, it could be nothing but a god. Phoebus Far Darter, Apollo himself in war armor, moved there among the Spartiates and Thespaians… so quickly that surprise was impossible I felt his eye turn toward me, me the last and least who could expect it, and then Dienekes himself was beside me, my master in life. I would be the one. The one to go back and speak.' Apollo, Far-darter had chosen someone to go back to speak. And this is what history does in its various forms. But while not everything the past has to say would agree with us moderns, nor would even be comprehensible to us, it is what it is, as we are what we are. Our deeds are ultimately judged by posterity..." Some may think I am reaching here, but while fun is and should always be the focus here, I really think that in some small way we keep alive one part of the story from our collective past. Sacrifices made, costs paid, and just a glimpse into the skills and ingenuity it took to fight and survive among the clouds. Scoff if you like, but how much collective information, both facts and numbers but also some glimmer of the actual experience have we pulled forward for both ourselves to understand, and maybe to enlighten others. History often suffers packet loss; in it's way, the DD's help rescue that past. Keep the flame. It warms the heart and lights the way. DT
  5. I second the Good Friar's thoughts... DT
  6. WHile working on something I stumbled across a couple more container items. I will add them to the list and then post them to the vault. DT
  7. Whoops - sorry Glenn. Should be fixed now, added xlsx and xlsm file extensions for the new fangled Excel file type No problem. "More than one way to skin a cat". said the nun one day in high school, to which I replied, "I prefer a chainsaw". DT
  8. I love me some Bill Whittle. He's done a number of fascinating videos. I am kind of fatalistic at this point. Many people cannot be convinced that the perfect should not be the enemy of the good or better, and only after things take a real tumble and reality kicks them in the posterior will it maybe sink in for some of them. DT
  9. Roger, Err, I vaguely remember some sort of procedure for posting large files via ftp, but I am at a loss at the details. I think you had put a post up detailing it, but was unable to find it. DT
  10. Nope. Does not seem to work. Oh, well. Not a bad idea FT. DT
  11. Don't laugh! I thought of that and THOUGHT maybe I saw they were listed as returned when dropped from a parked aircraft. If this worked it would be fine for me. I'll test it out.
  12. Having spoken with Friar, and having racked my brain (and search a little bit on the web) I think that this is not possible. The AI are for some reason programmed to eject bombs (not sure about drop tanks) before landing. Fortunately the reason I wanted it was to enable air replenishment of bombs which I realized I can do via cargo drops, so no sweat. If anyone figures out a way to get planes to hold onto bombs anyway, be sure to post it. DT
  13. I put a group of screen grabs from the first SEOW we ran. The shots came out pretty good so I thought I should post them to the gallery. DT
  14. DoubleTap

    Battle of Tunis - DD's First SEOW

    Various stills of the first SEOW the Dogz run, a short campaign to test the software. The stills are mostly from Mission 4 of the campaign.
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