Yup I need some artwork now guys, skins page could do with some screen grabs displaying skins.
I could do with a hand on listing the ac types so I can populate the skin folders ready to take uploads.
You may notice that we can now browse the skins folder, and indeed upload skins direct from the page....by a new method
Try it: (you can access this from the skins page too)
http://www.k9squadrons.com/files/skins/skins_list.php (will list/browse and allow download.
http://www.k9squadrons.com/files/skins/skins_upload.php will allow upload of single files.
Neat trick that this does is it will also do a thumbnail, but it has to be a jpg so if you have a nice skin: do a screen grab, make it a jpg (size not too critical) give it the same name as your skin.
See the spit skins folder for an example of the thumbnail
Access is open for anyone to upload until I implement password protection....
Same needs for missions listings, I need campaign areas etc. to create the structure.
Ditto for screens, except I just need ideas on how to structure that. I'm thinking by size/resolution. Say 1024 x 768 folders and 1600 x 1200 etc?
Tracks....Campaign track listings, training and humour?
Again artwork for the above categories would be good, and help much appreciated as this has taken up a lot of time for Jeremy and I. I've enjoyed it though!