Update - Ref Scoring.
It seems that there is a DCS object scoring bug for DML so, for now, building scores are not being recorded, all the other kills will be, air to air and ground units etc.
These scores will be reported as and when you gain them (although they are not fully awarded until you land safely, for which you get awarded an extra 5 points)
If these messages become too distracting I can turn them off but thought it would be good to leave them in for now as we iron this process out.
You can get your stats and all scores through the comms F10 "other" menu.
Update - Alpha FOB Signal Smoke
I have added a little routine for when the Alpha FOB gets taken by blue forces an option will be added to the comms F10 "other" menu for FOB ATC. You will be able to trigger blue smoke for a short time to give you an indication of the landing zone, in case you can not see it. This option on the menu is only available whilst the FOB is in blue's control.
Update - Alpha FOB MaxxPro APC
For those of you who have Combined Arms I have added 4 MaxxPro APC vehicles when blue takes control of the FOB. You can load up a Section of troops from here (they can be loaded and deployed just as the helicopters do, via the comms F10 "other" menu) and go off in search of trouble towards Harim if you want.
If you do, watch out for small packets of enemy troops.
I am away from tomorrow and not back flying again till next Thursday.